Friday, March 23, 2012

Killer Stuff and Tons of Money

I am finally working my way through Maureen Stanton's Killer Stuff and Tons of Money: Seeking History and Hidden Gems in Flea-Market America, and I must say, I'm enjoying it. So many books on the antiques biz are fun reads, but don't really say much about the business and how it operates. Stanton, however, through her dealer friend Curt Avery (not his real name), does, in fact, paint a pretty accurate picture of what a life in the antiques trade can be like.

Of course, our favorite part was the entirely unexpected mention our "Young Collector" column in Maine Antique Digest. Thanks, Maureen!

1 comment:

Ed said...

Got wind of this book and the stuffed shark book in your MAD column. Usually have trouble reading books after I lose interest in the first few pages, but I thoroughly enjoyed both of these. I'll cruise the back corner of Brimfield North looking for a cluttered booth of smalls and killer early stuff. And I'll wonder who the forger is. Favourite quote "he's in the mafia. don't use his name or you'll sleep with the fishes"

Your top 10 reasons to buy antiques were cool. I posted a modified version on the front door of my antique shop. I think I'll add some of the reasons in your "phoning it in article". It's amazing how folks listen to green-washed ad campaigns talk about consumable manufactured products being sustainable and green, while 'all original' antiques are sought after by only a few people in the know. Or reproductions advertised with the word antique ad nauseum. Like Curt Avery was quoted "people would never buy new things if they only knew about antiques".